Written By · 14 August 2023 · 1 min read       Copy Article URL

Secondary 2 Field Trip



    On Tuesday morning, the 15th of November, the Secondary 2 batch tootled off in a bus to Danau BSB in South BSB City. We'd been planning this field trip since the early weeks of the term, and all lugged around bags of mosquito repellent, umbrellas and spare shirts and masks. The trip lasted a whole school day and was packed with engaging activities.


    We were divided into three groups to cycle between English, Maths and Science tasks. Group A used the breathtaking scenery of glimmering water, soft green hills and thin rubber trees as visualization in a descriptive writing piece. Group B explored the area in search for biotic and abiotic objects, and learned how to identify different plant species. Group C created their own direct and inverse proportion problems; the best of which would be put in the next topical test. They also calculated the diameter of a tree trunk and graphed the park's future deer population.


    After all the groups had finished, we were exhausted and most probably sunburnt beyond recognition. So, we cooled off and ate a scrumptious lunch at Laker's, a restaurant beside the lake, before finally returning to BBS.


    I do think this was far more than just a fun day out to have a breather before the grueling MYEs.


    Through real life application, students gained a deeper understanding of lessons and realised that, hey, there's more to learning than being cooped up in a classroom. Hopefully, other classes can have outings like this in the future to enrich their school experience.



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