Written By · 14 August 2023 · 3 min read       Copy Article URL

EDITORIAL: There is Success in Good Health and Well-being and in Quality Education!

  • By: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, Junior College 1 Teamwork


    Art by: Isaura Videlia Brata, Junior College 1 Teamwork


    On the first of February, I got to gather the members of the Newsletter team, The Quill, and discussed with them which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we should focus on. Although all the 17 SD Goals are equally necessary and crucial for a sustainable future, we agreed that these 2 particular SDGs should be our focus: SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being, and SDG 4 - Quality Education!




    Indeed, we have risen from the debris of the pandemic and now, we are spreading our roots far and wide, growing lush green leaves.


    Recently, our fellow Bina Bangsa School Bandung students have made incredible achievements in both the national and international scenes, and we are more than proud to talk about their achievements.


    The whole BBS Bandung community congratulates Darren Wilson Tjiong and Xiao Mi Sun for earning their Outstanding Cambridge Learner awards! Both received Top in Indonesia for Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary Physics and Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary Chinese Language, October-November 2022 Series.


    Additionally, we have also received outstanding results for the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools'(ICAS) and Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) competitions. For the ICAS, we had 4 high-distinction awardees!


    In January of this year, our campus hosted the World Scholar's Cup Bandung Regional Round 23'. From here, we have 14 teams advancing to the Global Rounds. The school is eyeing the Bangkok Global Round happening on September 2023.


    In February, we hosted the 4th Bina Bangsa School Model United Nations participated in by more than 250 student and teacher delegates from the 5 BBS campuses across Indonesia, where each delegate experienced expressing their voices on global issues that matter.


    We've even got to send a team of 8 student delegates, accompanied by 1 teacher delegate, to the Harvard Model Congress Asia '23 (HMCA '23) held in Seoul, South Korea from 7-9 of January 2023. The conference allowed our future leaders to experience government roles while tackling real-world problems.


    However, all these great achievements couldn't have been done without good health and well-being. 'A tree with weak trunks will surely fall when strong winds and floods come by.'




    Our academics are as equally important as our non-academics and they help with our good health and well-being. Aren't our well-being and good health as important as our grades? If we think about it, one can't study well or solve math questions and any other problems to their fullest capacity if they fall sick. So it is really important to have the fine balance in everything that we do.


    In the past month, our basketball team has had many practice games and friendly matches with other Clubs and Schools. In some, we won, in some, we lost, but every match had been a great learning experience whatever the results were.


    We also hold our annual Inter-House Sports Day competitions held at GOR Pajajaran Sports Complex in Bandung where the Green House was declared as the Champion after their hard battles in 4 different categories.


    Moreover, the SciMaTech Week celebration took place recently, full of joy and laughter. It's important to unwind once and a while. Truly, the presentations and the performances from our peers and teachers gave us joy. The said academic event also highlighted the importance of research through the STEAM (Science and Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics) project presentations from the different levels.


    If none of those piqued your interest, why not try decluttering? It goes beyond the physical things. It can be pretty good and rewarding too.


    May this academic year remind us of the importance of Quality Education and Good Health and Well-being! Let us be ONE in supporting all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. We can make them happen!




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